Prevention of Sexual Harassment

POSH Video Series

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act was enacted in the year 2013 to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment.

The POSH Act recognises that sexual harassment results in violation of the fundamental rights of a woman to equality under Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and to live with dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution. The right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business is a fundamental right, which also includes a right to a safe environment free from sexual harassment.

The protection against sexual harassment and the right to work with dignity are universally recognised human rights by the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The POSH Act has been enacted with a view to make provisions for giving effect to CEDAW for protection of women against sexual harassment at workplace.

This is a video series to enable workplaces to comply with the POSH Act. Through this series, you will be able to understand and implement the Act in your workplace.

Our sincere gratitude to Saraswati Chandra for creating such amazing content for us!

POSH Act Video Series #1 | What is Sexual Harassment?

This video covers the very first and very basic question of what is sexual harassment. The video covers the definition as per the Act and provides examples to understand the Act better.

POSH Act Video Series #2 | What is the Internal Complaints Committee?

The POSH Act recognizes sexual harassment as violation of fundamental rights of women! The Internal Complaints Committee is constituted in every organisation to protect this very fundamental right to equality. The POSH Act mandates every workplace to have an ICC in place. This video covers what is ICC, its members, and its responsibilities.

POSH Act Video Series #3 | Complaint, Inquiry and Redressal | Justice delayed is justice denied

Handling complaint redressal with a fair and unbiased process to arrive at a judgment swiftly, is the foundation for protecting the right to a safe workplace for women. The POSH Act states guidelines and timelines for effective complaint redressal. At the same time, the Act empowers workplaces to define the corrective action based on severity of the action.

POSH Act Video Series #4 | Management Duties as per POSH Act | Safe environment important for successful business

As Satya Nadella quotes - “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” To build a thriving culture, safe work environment is the foundation step. When every employee can truly work without fear, only then a business can succeed towards its goals! It is in management interest to nurture a safe workplace. This videos covers the management duties as defined by the POSH Act.

POSH Act Video Series #5 | Action items checklist for team members | Common Questions and their Answers

As team member of any organisation, each of us wants to enable a safe work environment and prevent sexual harassment at the workplace. The most common questions we receive from participants is “What are the actions that we can take to make it happen?” This video gives you a simple checklist, which will help you participate in creating a safe work environment.

POSH Act Video Series #6 | Checklist for management| Crafting the safe work experience

Safe workplace is not just a policy but an experience, it has to be crafted in a same way we craft a user experience. This video has listed the most important milestones of a new employee’s journey in your organization and how you can craft a safe experience at each of these touch-points.

POSH Act Video Series #7 | Action items checklist for ICC members | Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal in detail

In Video #2 , we learnt the the key responsibilities of the Internal Complaints Committee defined by the law. They are: (1) Prevention, (2) Prohibition, and (3) Redressal. Video #7 shares a simple checklist of steps the ICC can take under each of these three action items to make them effective.

POSH Act Video Series #8

Why does sexual harassment happen? | Role of Power & Frequency / Isolation

In the very first video, we had explained how sexual harassment is defined by the impact on the victim and not the intent of the perpetrator. We had further discussed that impact is contextual and often difficult to understand. This video explains how impact can be assessed by understanding two key factors:



POSH Act Video Series #9 | Importance of POSH at workplace | Truly removing the barriers

Famous researcher Dan Pink quotes an MIT study in his famous TED talk - “Reward and punishment don’t work to motivate people in today’s world, what works is autonomy, master and purpose. In other words, self direction works better than compliance”. To build a culture of self direction, eliminating fear and creating safe workplace is the first step.

This video unpacks how a safe workplace is a good for business goals and success, and not just for the sake of legal compliance.

POSH Act Video Series #10 | Misconceptions about harassment | Common rebuttals and normalization

A 2017 survey by the Indian National Bar Association of over 6,000 employees—the largest conducted so far in India—found that sexual harassment was pervasive in different job sectors, ranging from lewd comments to an outright demand for sexual favors. As per the survey, most women chose not to report sexual harassment to management because of stigma, fear of retribution, embarrassment, lack of awareness of reporting policies, or lack of confidence in the complaints mechanism.

Many misconceptions about the act of law and act of harassment make it difficult to talk about it. This video discusses four categories of misconceptions which exist widely.